
Creativity in Publicity(COM316)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
COM316 Creativity in Publicity 6 2 0 0 2 3
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Elective
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) Onurcan GÜDEN (Email) Ali Can TURALI (Email)
Objective To examine the basic concepts such as consumption, pleasure, time, morality and responsibility, desire, happiness, language, art, human labor, justice from a philosophical perspective.

By making short references to marketing history; to grasp the emergence conditions of leading brands in the automobile, soap, and pharmaceutical industries.

To look at the relationships between advertising, marketing, and creative thinking. To demonstrate how companies can create permanent brands with their creative marketing and advertising ideas.

To remind the creative brain, creative thinking, techniques, and rules.

Emphasizing new marketing communication techniques while discussing digital transformation. To discuss the new dimensions of mass communication and where marketing can evolve in the 21st century.
Content In this course, concepts and practices in the fields of marketing, creativity, advertising, and digital communication will be handled through successful/unsuccessful examples.
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the students:
- will understand the relationship between advertising and marketing historically.
- will become aware of the developments in the world and in Turkey.
- will understand how creative thinking is effective in marketing and advertising.
- will gain the necessary clues to grasp and keep pace with the changing and digitalizing marketing universe.
The familiarity with the concepts increases for those who will choose the marketing communication/advertising professions in the future.
Teaching and Learning Methods Power point presentations
Advertising campaign and visual analysis
Artwork reviews
References -David Ogilvy , Confession of an Advertising Man , 2011 South Bank publishing ( 1963’te
yapılmış birinci baskının yazar tarafından revize edilmiş hali).
-Marcel Bleustein -Blanchet , İkna Hırsı , Bir Fransız reklamcının anıları, çev: Cüneyt Akalın
,Yorum Ajans yayınları ,1995.
-Jim Aitchison , Basın İlanı Böyle Yapılır , çev: Serkan Balak, Okuyan Us yayınları, 2006.
-Pat Fallon, Fred Senn , Portakalı Sıkmak, çev: Ümit Şensoy , Optimist yayınları , 2007.
-Robert Heath , Bilinçaltımdaki Reklamlar , reklamlar bizi nasıl etkiler? Çev: Emrah Bilge,
MediaCat kitapları , 2013.
-How To Be More Creative , David Edwards ,Occasional Productions,1996.
-Claude Hopkins , Reklamcılık Yaşantım & Bilimsel Reklamcılık , Yapı Kredi yayınları ,1996.
-Al Ries , Jack Trout , Marketing Warfare, Anniversary edition , McGraw-Hill ,2006.
-Gilles Lipovetsky , Le Bonheur Paradoxal , Gallimard, col: Folio essais,2006.
-Thierry Maillet , Le Marketing et son histoire , ou le mythe de sisyphe réinventé ,
- Jean Marie Dru , La publicité autrement, Gallimard, Le Débat , 2007.
- Richard Susskind , Daniel Susskind, The future of the professions , How
technology will transform the work of human experts , Oxford University Press 2015.
- Dominique Cardon , A quoi revent les algoritmes ,Nos vies a l’heure des big data , Seuil ,
République des idées, 2015
- Philippe Jourdan , Valérie Jourdan , Jean-Claude Pacitto Le Marketing de la Grenouille ,
Nouvelle strategies des marques pour nouveaux consommateurs , Editions Kawa 2017.
- Giles Lipovetsky, Plaire et Toucher , essai sur la société de seduction , Gallimard 2017.
- Jean-Marie Dru, NEW, 15 approches disruptives de l’innovation, Pearson, 2016.
- John Hegarty , Hegarty On Advertising , Thames &Hudson 2017, Turning intelligence into
- Celil Oker , Genç Yazarlar için hikaye Anlatıcılığı Kılavuzu , Altın Kitaplar 2018 .
Biraz farklı sulara açılmak için:
- Walter Benjamin, Sur le Concept de l’Histoire, Petite Bibliothèque de Payot,2013.
-Karl Jaspers , La Culpabilité Allemande , Les Éditions de Minuit , col: arguments, 1990.
Max Horkheimer – Theodor W.Adorno , La Dialectique de la Raison , fragments
philosophiques, ilk baskı 1944 NewYork , 1974 pour la traduction Française , Gallimard ,
- Le Temps des Magiciens , 1919 -1929 l’invention de la pensée moderne , Wolfram
Ellenberger , 2019.
-Benjamin,Barthes ve Fotografın Tekilliği , Kathrin Yacavone ,çev: Simber Atay ve
MelihTumen ,Hayalperest Yayınları 2015.
-Michel Bourse , Halime Yücel, İletişim Bilimlerinin Serüveni , Ayrıntı yayınları, Schola Ayrıntı
dizisi, 2012.
-Richard Appignanesi, Chris Garratt, Post-Modernism İcon Books Limited, 2013
-Catherine Dedieu, Christine Removille , Métamorphoses du Marketing , Economica , 2012.
-Philip Kotler , Marketing 4.0 , Le Passage au Digital , De Boeck supérieur , 2017
-Atilla Aksoy , Yeni Reklamcılık , İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi yayınları,2005.
-Guilano da Empoli, Les İngénieurs du Chaos , Ed. JCLattés, 2019.
-Anti bible du marketing et du management , 30 principes fondamentaux a l’épreuve des
faits, Paul Millier , Pearson Education , France , 2007
- Gerald Bronner , Apocalypse cognitive , PUF , 2021
- Jean Marc Bally , Xavier Desmaison , Comment la Silicone Valley a gagné la guerre de
marketing , Harmann , 2020
-Cynthia Fleury, Les irremplaçables, essais folio, Gallimard,2015
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 1 40
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 60
Toplam 2 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 0 0
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Toplam 0 0
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Will have effective written and oral communication skills in Turkish X
2 Will have a thorough knowledge of at least two foreign languages X
3 Will be informed about art and culture, human rights, social, professional and ethical values, law and legislation, quality standards, and will be aware of their responsibility on these subjects X
4 Will have sufficient knowledge about social sciences, professions and sectors in communication and media, innovative and entrepreneurial practices X
5 Will have the ability to use, in an effective and creative way, the techniques and tools and information technologies necessary for interactive and conventional media, in the context of health and safety in the workplace X
6 Will have the ability to develop documentary and fictional content related to their field for interactive and conventional media; also the ability to produce and manage this content in group X
7 Will have the theoretical knowledge and ability to carry out and share scientific work on communication environments and processes of interactive and conventional media and on the individual and social outcomes of the latter X
8 Will have the knowledge of analysis and modelling techniques to analyse interactive and conventional media and the communication environments and processes X
9 Will have the ability to question and critically analyse developments and problems concerning interactive and conventional media and the communication environments and processes, will be aware of the public interest, social responsibility and the environment, will be sensitive to contemporary world’s and Turkey's current problems; will develop a libertarian, democratic, constructive and problem-solving approach X
10 They are familiar with the historical development processes of electronic, digital media and film; and the current developments in these fields X
11 They learn sociological, cultural and aesthetic approaches in electronic, digital media and film
12 They learn the political economy of cultural industries, labour and production relations, analysis of marketing and consumption patterns.
13 They learn at a first level how to use the equipment necessary for the production of audio-visual content for TV, radio and digital media and of films in different genres
14 They gain experience in conducting creative activities in electronic, digital media and film; in producing and working in groups X
15 They acquire theoretical information in the fields of public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication and organizational communication X
16 They are familiar with the research, planning, implementation and evaluation processes in public relations and advertising; they can create campaigns, present them effectively and write reports X
17 They have knowledge of organisational communication, crisis and risk communication, reputation management, media relations, media planning, digital media management, brand management and interpersonal communication. They are able to carry out activities in these areas X
18 They use public relations and advertising strategies and tactics appropriate to the specificities of conventional and new media X
19 They are aware of legal regulations, ethical codes in public relations and advertising, and they remain faithful to them X
20 They are familiar with the different theoretical approaches regarding the social place, role and functions of journalism as a social institution and phenomenon; they are familiar with the process of producing information for conventional and digital media
21 They are familiar with the structural and technical specificities, management characteristics of conventional/mainstream media, as well as alternative media structures
22 They are familiar with the new conceptual and theoretical discussions emerging from interactive/digital media in terms of social sciences and humanities
23 They are familiar with the historical development of journalism in Turkey and in the world; they can analyse it in the context of social and political history
24 They have the ability to effectively use information technology, printing and publishing techniques; to write a press article using data collected on the web and on social media, to visualize this data and to publish it
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Total Workload 0
Total Workload / 25 0,00
Credits ECTS 0
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