Master Program in International Relations

History of International Relations(RI-611)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
RI-611 History of International Relations 1 3 0 0 3 7
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Masters Degree
Course Instructor(s) Zeynep ARIKANLI (Email)
Objective This course, which covers a period stretching from the French Revolution, the beginning of the contemporary era, to the end of the Cold War, aims to explore the historical foundations of contemporary politics / international relations. and to ensure the study of the principal dynamics of our era from a historical perspective.
Content This course, which covers the period from 1789 to 1991, focuses not only on the processes of state formation and construction, but also on the training of contemporary components of international politics. In this sense, its content has a wide range from the determination of the fundamental principles of International Law to the evolution of the international economy. However, the center of gravity, hence, the main actor is The State; as a result, the course examines social movements in the context of state formation and construction processes, as well as principles that govern relations between states and their respective societies. Therefore, this course is committed to presenting wars, turning points, treaties, political, economic and social crises from a coherent and whole perspective. While the study space is early Europe, it extends to the Far East, especially from the 1860s.
Course Learning Outcomes The students:
- (If they are of various disciplines other than International Relations) acquire an acquaintance on the study of International Relations a historical perspective;
- (If they have a degree in International Relations and / or Political Science) reinforce, improve and deepen their knowledge;
- Seize the historical foundations of IR and international relations;
- Acquire analytical know-how with the conceptual tools provided by the course.
Teaching and Learning Methods Although the course is mainly narrative, it is a method consistent with contemporary trends in the study of International Relations. Thus, the course is committed not only to provide rich documentation (articles, books, etc.) but also to support the narrative and readings with audio-visual material, ranging from video games (Sparta: War of Empires, League of Legends, etc.) to documentaries, including chess, 3-D to illustrate strategies.
References AGAMBEN, Giorgio, Homo Sacer I. Le Pouvoir Souverain et la Vie Nue. traduit par Marilène Raiola, Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 1995, 216 p.
---------------------------- État d’Exception. Homo Sacer, II-1, traduit par Joel Gayraud, Paris : Éditions du Seuil, 2003, 151 p.
BENJAMIN, Walter, Pasajlar, traduit par Ahmet Cemal, İstanbul : Yapı Kredi Yayınları, Ocak 2002, 4. Baskı, 277 p.
BEST, Antony et ali. (dir.), 20. Yüzyılın Uluslararası İlişkiler Tarihi, çeviren : Taciser Ulaş Belge, Ankara : Siyasal Kitabevi, septembre 2012, 615 p.
BRAUDEL, Fernand, Grammaire des Civilisations, Paris : Champs/ Flammarion, 1993, 625 p.
CARR, Edward Hallet, Qu’est-ce que l’Histoire ?, traduit par Maud Sissung, Paris : Éditions La Découverte, 1988, 233 p.
------------------------------- The Twenty Years’ Crisis, 1919-1939. An Introduction to the Study of International Relations, New York : Palgrave, 2001, cviii+ 233 p.
FROMKIN, David, A Peace to End All Peace. The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East, New York : Avon Books, 1990, 635 p.
HOBSBAWM, Eric J., Devrim Çağı, 1789-1848, Trans. Bahadır Sina Şener, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 8th edition, 381 p.
---------------------- Sermaye Çağı, 1848-1875, Trans. Bahadır Sina Şener, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 6th edition, 375 p.
--------------------- İmparatorluklar Çağı, 1875-1914, Trans. Vedat Ulvi Aslan, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 6th edition, 428 p.
---------------------- Aşırılıklar Çağı. Kısa 20. Yüzyıl, Trans. Yavuz Aldoğan, İstanbul: Everest Yayınları, 2006, 10th edition, 788 p.
--------------------- İlkel Asiler. 19. ve 20. Yüzyıllarda Toplumsal Hareketin Arkaik Biçimleri Üzerine İncelemeler, Traduit par Uygur Kocabaşoğlu, İstanbul : 2012, 267 p.
İBN HALDUN, Mukaddime 1-2, İstanbul : Dergâh Yayınları, 2005, 4e édition.
MANN, Micheal, İktidarın Tarihi I: Başlangıcından 1760’a Kadar Toplumsal İktidarın Kaynakları, traduit par Emre Kolay, Olcay Sevimli, Soner Torlak, Esin Saraçoğlu, Ankara: Phoenix, 2013, 616 p.
------------------------- İktidarın Tarihi II: Sınıfların ve Ulus-Devletlerin Yükselişi, 1760-1914, traduit par Ali Rıza Gürgen; Gülben Şaş; Elçin Deniz Efe; Hüseyin Ali Sözen; Soner Torlak; Bilgesu Savcı; Mehmet Sait Türk, Ankara: Phoenix, décembre 2012, 848 p.
----------------------- İktidarın Tarihi III: Küresel İmparatorluklar ve Devrim, 1890-1945, traduit par Ali Rıza Günden Özgür Balkılıç, Ankara: Phoenix, avril 2017, 606 p.
---------------------- The Sources of Social Power, Vol. 4: Globalizations, 1945-2011, Los Angeles: The University of California Press, février 2013, 496 p.
MOORE, Barrington, Diktatörlüğün ve Demokrasinin Toplumsal Kökenleri. Çağdaş Dünyanın Yaratılmasında Soylunun ve Köylünün Rolü, Trans. Şirin Tekeli ve Alâeddin Şenel, Ankara : İmge Kitabevi, février 2003, 707 p.
NİZAMÜ’L-MÜLK, Siyasetnâme, Trans. Mehmet Taha Ayar, İstanbul : Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları, novembre 2012, 4th édition, 365 p.
SANDER, Oral, Siyasi Tarih, İlkçağlardan 1918’e, Ankara : İmge Kitabevi, January 2015, 25th edition, 423 p.
------------------ Siyasi Tarih, 1918-1994, Ankara : İmge Kitabevi, March 2015, 22th edition, 605 p.
SCHMITT, Carl, Le Nomos de la Terre dans le Droit des Gens du Jus Publicum Europeaum, traduit par Lilyane Deroche-Gurcel, Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, janvier 2001, 363 p.
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 Introduction and the presentation of the course
2 The Revolution which changed the world: French Revolution, 1789
3 From the French Revolution to the Vienna Order, 1789-1815
4 The Age of Revolution, 1815-1848
5 Towards the End of the Vienna Order, 1848-1856
6 World is changing, 1860-1890
7 The Age of Empires, 1890-1914
8 The End of the World that We Know: The two world wars, 1914-1945
10 The Cold War, The Doctrines and the Institutionnalisation of the Cold War, 1945-1960
11 The crisis and wars: Corean War, U-2 Crisis and the Cuba Crisis
12 The Cold War from the the Middle to the East: The Gulf War-1, The Afghanistan Civil War, and the Vietnam War
13 From Gorbatchev to "Winds of Change"
14 The End: the fall of Berlin War and the Dismembrement of the URSS
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 8 40
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 60
Toplam 9 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 25
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 7 15
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Toplam 8 40
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 13 3 39
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 15 15
Final Examinations (including preparation) 1 15 15
Quiz 7 8 56
Total Workload 125
Total Workload / 25 5,00
Credits ECTS 5
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