Department of International Relations

International Political Economy(RI304)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
RI304 International Political Economy 6 3 3 0 3 5
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction French
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) Feride Selcan SERDAROĞLU POLATAY (Email)
Objective This course aims to explain the theories that form the basis of the conceptual framework of international political economy and to analyze fundamental global economic phenomena using this framework. The main currents are discussed along with their hypotheses, which have evolved under the influence of major debates in international relations. Additionally, the contributions of non-Western conceptual and factual debates to this field are emphasized.

The course examines how global economic structures are shaped by exploring studies on state and corporate strategies, global trade, regionalism movements, monetary policies, and financial governance.
Content The course has two main parts:

- The development of theories from the formation of the International Political Economy (IPE) field to the present day.
- Providing students with a framework for explaining and theoretically analyzing fundamental economic facts from a historical perspective.
Course Learning Outcomes A student who successfully completes this course will:

- Become proficient in the conceptual framework of international political economy.
- Can analyze the relationship between the development of theories and the international/global economic context of relevant periods.
- Enhance their knowledge of international/global economic phenomena and be capable of scientifically discussing current issues in the world economy.
Teaching and Learning Methods The course is primarily based on the explanation of International Political Economy (IPE) theories. Students can supplement their course notes by reading key texts that contribute to the development of these concepts. Current analyses and evaluations of concrete issues are also shared with students in the second part of the course to reinforce the material covered. Additionally, a list of films and documentaries is provided as visual resources to support and deepen their understanding.
References Daron Acemoğlu, James Robinson, Why Nations Fail ? The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, Profile Books, 2013
Amitav Acharya, “After liberal hegemony: the Advent of multiplex world order”, Ethics & International Affairs, 31, No .3, 271-285, 2017
Samir Amin, “Accumulation and development: a theoretical model”, Review of African Political Economy, 1:1, 9-26 , 1974
David Balaam, Bradford Dillman, Uluslararası Ekonomi Politiğe Giriş, İstanbul, Adres Yayınları, 2018
Dario Battistella, « L’économie politique internationale », Théories des relations internationales, Presses de Sciences Po, 2003, pp. 399-432
Walden Bello, Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy, 2002
Tanja A. Börzel, Thomas Risse (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016
Christian Chavagneux, Economie politique internationale, Repères, Paris, La Découverte,  2010
Robert W. Cox, Social Forces, States and World Orders : Beyond Internationl Relations Theory, Millenium – Journal of International Studies, Volume 10, No:2, 1981, pp. 126-155
Robert W. Cox, « Multilateralism and World Order », Review of International Studies, Vol.18, No:2 (April 1992), pp: 161-180
Robert W. Cox, The Political Economy of a Plural World, London, Routledge, 2002
Mahfi Eğilmez, Tarihsel Süreç İçinde Dünya Ekonomisi, İstanbul, Remzi Kitabevi, 2018
Robert Gilpin, The Political Economy of International Relations, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1987
Uluslararası İlişkilerin Ekonomi Politiği, Ankara, Kripto Yayınları, 2012 (2.  Baskı) 
Global Political Economy, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2001
Abbas Mehdi, « L’économie politique internationale entre théories et histoire”, Recherches internationales, n° 88, octobre-décembre 2010, pp. 47-72.
Gérard Kébabdjian, Les théories de l’économie politique internationale, Paris, Points, Editions du Seuil, 1999
Robert O. Keohane, “The Demand for International Regimes”, International Organization, Vol. 36, No:2, (International Regimes), 1982, pp. 325-355.
Robert O. Keohane and Lisa L. Martin, “The Promise of Institutionalist Theory”, International Security, Vol. 20, No:1, Summer 1995, pp. 39-51.
Thomas Piketty, Le capital au 21e siècle, Paris, Seuil, 2013
Karl Polanyi, Büyük Dönüşüm. Çağımızın Siyasal ve Ekonomik Kökenleri (La Grande Transformation), İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları, 2003
Michel Rainelli, Le commerce international, Repères, Paris, La Découverte, 2015 (11e édition)
Dani Rodrik, The Globalization Paradox: Democracy and the Future of the World Economy, New York and London, W.W. Norton, 2011
Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom, New York, Random House, 2000
Susan Strange, «Cave! Hic Dragones: A Critique of Regime Analysis”, International Organization, Vol. 36, No:2, Spring 1982, pp. 479-496
Susan Strange, « The Persistent Myth of the Lost Hegemony », International Organization, Vol. 41, No:4, Autumn 1987, pp. 551-574
Susan Strange, « Political Economy and International Relations », Ken Booth and Steve Smith, International Relations Theory Today, Penn State Press, 1997, pp. 154-174
Peter A.G. Van Bergeijk, Deglobalization 2.0 Trade and Openness During the Great Depression and the Great Recession, Cheltenham, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019 
Immanuel Wallerstein, « Long Waves as Capitalist Process », Review, VII, 4, Spring 1984, pp. 559-575
Immanuel Wallerstein, “The Rise and Future Demise of World-Systems Analysis”, Review, Vol. 21, No. 1 (1998), pp. 103-112
+ Alternatives économiques

Alex Gibney, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, 2005:
Abderrahman Sissako, Bamako, 2006:
Michael Moore, Capitalism: A Love Story, 2009:
Charles Ferguson, Inside Job, 2010:
Costa-Gavras, Le capital, 2012
Stéphane Brizé, La loi du marché, 2015
Robert B. Reich, Saving Capitalism, 2017
Steven Soderbergh, The Laundromat, 2019
Justin Pemberton, Thomas Piketty, Le capital au XXIe siècle, 2020
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 The theoretical framework: from IPE to Global Political Economy : The "fundamentals": Realism, Liberalism, and Marxism
2 The neo-neo debate and its impacts on IPE: Hegemonic Stability Theory
3 Decline theses: The myth of American hegemony
4 Transnationalism and state-market dynamics
5 The "new" perspectives: Critical IPE, Constructivism
6 Global perspectives on IPE: Non-Western views
7 The actors and domains of international economic governance : The reconfiguration of the global economy: states and firms 1
8 Mid-term
9 The actors and domains of international economic governance : The reconfiguration of the global economy: states and firms 2
10 International trade as a vector of globalization and deglobalization 1
11 International trade as a vector of globalization and deglobalization 2
12 Regionalisms in the world and continental powers
13 Monetary policies, capital flow, and financial governance issues 1
14 Monetary policies, capital flow, and financial governance issues 2
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 1 50
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 50
Toplam 2 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 50
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Make-up 0 0
Toplam 1 50
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 To have a detailed knowledge on the principal concepts, actors and components of the international system X
2 To master the fundamentals such as history, law, economics, sociology and political science required by the multidisciplinary nature of International Relations X
3 Pouvoir analyser la pratique à partir d’une infrastructure théorique assimilée X
4 To have acquired the capability of specializing on a particular theme and/or region X
5 In the light of Galatasaray University’s traditional and institutional links with Europe, to have developed the ability to contribute to Turkey’s accession process to the EU in a concrete manner X
6 To interpret and explain Turkish foreign policy through its domestic components as well as from the perspective of the international system X
7 To have reached the necessary level of competence to be able to undertake a career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as other state institutions and/or the private sector X
8 Possess the required skills to work at various international organizations and NGOs X
9 To be in perfect command of French, teaching language of Galatasaray University, and of English, its mandatory language, at the academic -with a view to write a thesis/project/book in the field of International Relations- as well as the professional level X
10 To have the capacity to utilize the methodological instruments acquired throughout the studies at any conceptual and/or academic work X
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 14 3 42
Working Hours out of Class 14 2 28
Assignments 0 0 0
Presentation 1 6 6
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 40 40
Project 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Other Applications 0 0 0
Final Examinations (including preparation) 0 0 0
Quiz 0 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0 0
Reports 0 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0 0
Seminar 0 0 0
Other 0 0 0
Make-up 0 0 0
Total Workload 116
Total Workload / 25 4,64
Credits ECTS 5
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