Department of Business Administration

Advanced Marketing(G448)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
G448 Advanced Marketing 8 3 0 0 3 5
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction French
Course Type Elective
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) JEAN MICHEL BALASQUE (Email)
Objective To allow the student, through the critical acquisition of knowledge from fields related to marketing, to deepen its understanding of marketing, its tools and developments. The course tries, from a critical perspective, to analyze the main contributions of social sciences to marketing. A particular focus is put on social psychology.
Content Course Content
Part 1. Consumers’ or potential customers’ decision
1. Perception
2. Learning and memorizing
3. Representations
4. Attitudes
5. The decision process

Part 2. Consumption and satisfaction
1. Analysis of the impact of situational factors
2. Consumer Experiences
3. Satisfaction
4. Behavior and post-purchase decisions

Part 3. Firm strategies: towards new analytical perspectives
1. The market analysis
1. Strategic marketing analysis
2. Communication policies
3. Brand strategies
4 From the marketing mix to new analytical perspectives

Part 4. Industrial Marketing Analysis

Course Learning Outcomes On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Deeply know some of the main concepts of social sciences
2. Understand their application to marketing
3. Use in a complementary manner several marketing approaches
4. Develop and implement the major steps of a marketing analysis
5. Interpret and criticize a marketing approach.
Teaching and Learning Methods Pro-active : built on the use of kikencere website ( ) and Microsoft Teams on which the main resources, complementary documents and track which can enable the student do go farther in the subject are shown.
Theory is preceded by examples that allow the student to understand the problematic issues. They are followed by illustrative examples, and an critical analyze of the theory.
References The summaries of the courses, complementary informations, articles are at disposal of the student on the website: or on Microsoft Teams
- the works of Philip Kotler (especially Marketing Management)
- For the analysis of consumer’s behavior
- Derbaix C., Brée J., 2000, Comportement du consommateur, Présentation de textes choisis, Collection Gestion, Economica.
- Ladwein R., 1999, Le comportement du consommateur er de l’acheteur, Collection Gestion, Economica.
- Darpy D., Volle P., 2003, Comportements du consommateur, concepts et outils, collection Gestion Sup, Dunod.

For marketing understanding

Baker M.J. , 2000, Marketing Theory, a student text.
Tadajewsky M., Brownlie D. (eds) 2008, Critical Marketing. Issues in contempory marketing, Wiley.
Penaloza, L., Toulouse N., Visconti L.M. (eds), 2011, Marketing Management: A cultural perspective, Routledge.
Lehu J-.M. (sous la coordination de), 2011, MBA Marketing, Eyrolles, Editions d'Organisations
Marion G., 2004, Idéologie Marketing, Mal du siècle, Edition Eyrolles
Badot O., Cova B., 2009, Le néo-marketing, reloaded, Edition EMS Management et Société
Marion G. et al., 2003, Antimanuel de Marketing, Editions d'Organisation
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Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Toplam 0 0
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Toplam 0 0
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Total Workload 0
Total Workload / 25 0,00
Credits ECTS 0
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