
Interactive Media Design I(COM303)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
COM303 Interactive Media Design I 5 2 0 0 2 4
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) Kerem RIZVANOĞLU (Email)
Objective In this course, it is aimed to provide the students the ability to evaluate diverse interactive media at both content and form levels. Firstly, the course includes an in-depth analysis of Internet and Web phenomena through historicization and future projections. This evolution, which presents a diversity at both the user and the media level, will be investigated through a conceptualisation on populer interactive environments. Departing from an anaysis of the history of human-computer interaction, “graphical-user interface” and “usability” concepts will be explored through recent studies. In this context, interface design principles and procedures will be presented by focusing on examples from diverse media such as web sites, portals, mobile interfaces, IPTV, etc. At the end of the semestre, the students will be demanded to evaluate some popular interactive media and provide suggestions for revisions if needed.
Content 1. Cours: Introduction. Basic Concepts, Technologies, Applications.

2. Cours: Evolution of Internet and Web Phenomena
- From ARPANET to Web 2.0: Concepts and Applications
- A Critical Evaluation of Web 2.0 Paradigm:
- A New Information Architecture vs. Architecture of exploitation
- Wisdom of the Crowds vs. Hegemony of Amateurism
- Community Communication vs. Violation of Trust and Intimacy
- Future Projections: Web 3.0, Semantic Web, User-Generated Content.

3. Cours: User-Centered Design: Interface Design and Usability
- Historical Development of “Graphical User Interface”
- Usability Approach: Goal, Parameters and Evaluation Techniques

4. Cours: Universal Usability “Web For All”
- User Diversity: Users from different cultures, children, seniors, disabled users, etc.
- Technological Diversity
- Strategies for Universal Usability: Assistive Technologies, Multi-Layered User Interface Design, Universal Design.
- Guidelines to Design User Interfaces for Diverse User Groups

5. Cours: “Culturalization” and Global Web Sites
-Web Design that supports users from different cultures: Problems and guidelines.

6. Cours: Interactive Media Development Process
- Planning and Management of the Process
- Team Structures, project charter

7. Cours: Information Architecture
- Organizing and presenting the information in an interactive media
- Site Structure
- Search Engine Optimization

8. Cours: Page Structure and Design in Interactive Media
- Page Elements: Header, Footer, Content Area
- Page size and Navigation
- Homepage Elements and Design

9. Cours: Typography in Interactive Media
- Type in Web
- Legibility
- Typefaces
- Emphasis
- Typography and Graphics
- Editorial Style

10. Cours: Links, Forms and Applications

11. Cours: Graphics in Interactive Media
- Characteristics of Web Graphics
- Graphic File Formats
- Colour Theory and Use of Colour in Interactive Media

12. Cours: Multimedia in Interactive Media
- Audio and Video in Interactive Media
- Preparing and Presenting Multimedia: Formats, Players, etc.

13. Cours: Student Presentations

14. Cours: Student Presentations
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the semestre, the students will have the knowledge and ability to evaluate any interactive media by focusing on the experience and potential they provide for the users. The students will also be able to detect the problems in the interface and generate revision ideas for supporting the user experience.
Teaching and Learning Methods Lectures, case studies and heuristics evaluation conducted by the students
References -Krug, S. (2003) Don't Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition, Que.

-Krug, S. (2009) Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems, New Riders Press.

-Horton, S. (2009) Web Style Guide, 3rd edition: Basic Design Principles for Creating Web Sites, Yale University Press.

-Rızvanoğlu, K. (2009) Herkes için Web: Evrensel Kullanılabilirlik ve Tasarım, Punto Yayınları, İstanbul.
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 Introduction
2 Evolution of Internet and Web Phenomena
3 User-Centered Design: Interface Design and Usability
4 Universal Usability “Web For All”
5 “Culturalization” and Global Web Sites
6 Interactive Media Development Process
7 Information Architecture
8 Page Structure and Design in Interactive Media
9 Typography in Interactive Media
10 Links, Forms and Applications
11 Graphics in Interactive Media
12 Multimedia in Interactive Media
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
13 Student Presentations
14 Student Presentations
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 0 0
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 100
Toplam 1 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 0 0
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 0 0
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Toplam 0 0
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Will have effective written and oral communication skills in Turkish X
2 Will have a thorough knowledge of at least two foreign languages X
3 Will be informed about art and culture, human rights, social, professional and ethical values, law and legislation, quality standards, and will be aware of their responsibility on these subjects X
4 Will have sufficient knowledge about social sciences, professions and sectors in communication and media, innovative and entrepreneurial practices X
5 Will have the ability to use, in an effective and creative way, the techniques and tools and information technologies necessary for interactive and conventional media, in the context of health and safety in the workplace X
6 Will have the ability to develop documentary and fictional content related to their field for interactive and conventional media; also the ability to produce and manage this content in group X
7 Will have the theoretical knowledge and ability to carry out and share scientific work on communication environments and processes of interactive and conventional media and on the individual and social outcomes of the latter X
8 Will have the knowledge of analysis and modelling techniques to analyse interactive and conventional media and the communication environments and processes X
9 Will have the ability to question and critically analyse developments and problems concerning interactive and conventional media and the communication environments and processes, will be aware of the public interest, social responsibility and the environment, will be sensitive to contemporary world’s and Turkey's current problems; will develop a libertarian, democratic, constructive and problem-solving approach X
10 They are familiar with the historical development processes of electronic, digital media and film; and the current developments in these fields X
11 They learn sociological, cultural and aesthetic approaches in electronic, digital media and film
12 They learn the political economy of cultural industries, labour and production relations, analysis of marketing and consumption patterns.
13 They learn at a first level how to use the equipment necessary for the production of audio-visual content for TV, radio and digital media and of films in different genres
14 They gain experience in conducting creative activities in electronic, digital media and film; in producing and working in groups
15 They acquire theoretical information in the fields of public relations, advertising, integrated marketing communication and organizational communication
16 They are familiar with the research, planning, implementation and evaluation processes in public relations and advertising; they can create campaigns, present them effectively and write reports
17 They have knowledge of organisational communication, crisis and risk communication, reputation management, media relations, media planning, digital media management, brand management and interpersonal communication. They are able to carry out activities in these areas
18 They use public relations and advertising strategies and tactics appropriate to the specificities of conventional and new media
19 They are aware of legal regulations, ethical codes in public relations and advertising, and they remain faithful to them
20 They are familiar with the different theoretical approaches regarding the social place, role and functions of journalism as a social institution and phenomenon; they are familiar with the process of producing information for conventional and digital media X
21 They are familiar with the structural and technical specificities, management characteristics of conventional/mainstream media, as well as alternative media structures X
22 They are familiar with the new conceptual and theoretical discussions emerging from interactive/digital media in terms of social sciences and humanities X
23 They are familiar with the historical development of journalism in Turkey and in the world; they can analyse it in the context of social and political history X
24 They have the ability to effectively use information technology, printing and publishing techniques; to write a press article using data collected on the web and on social media, to visualize this data and to publish it X
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 14 2 28
Working Hours out of Class 14 2 28
Presentation 1 15 15
Project 1 15 15
Final Examinations (including preparation) 1 20 20
Total Workload 106
Total Workload / 25 4,24
Credits ECTS 4
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