Department of Comparative Linguistics and Applied Foreign Languages

Applied Informatics(LFR317)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
LFR317 Applied Informatics 5 2 0 0 2 2
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction French
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) Uzay ÇETİN (Email)
Objective Giving basic computer competences to students in order to be enable them to use computer programs effectively and systematically,
basic hardware, operating system and office applications, especially excel and graphics processing programs.
Content 1. Computer History
2. Hardware and Peripherals
3. Computer Operating Systems
4. Computer Networks and the Internet
5. Word Processing Programs
6. Word Processing Programs
7. Presentation Programs
Midterm Exam
9. Account Tables
10. Account Tables
11. Vector Based Graphics Processing Programs
12. Vector Based Graphics Processing Programs
13. Pixel Based Graphics Processing Programs
14. Page Editing Programs
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this course the student;
1. will be able to evaluate information technologies.
1.1. Explains the areas of use of information technologies.
1.2. Compares the advantages and disadvantages of information technologies.
1.3. Discuss the underlying structures of computer systems.
2. Information technology will be able to evaluate the process.
2.1. It distinguishes the operating systems in the computer.
2.2. It resolves errors in operating systems.
3. will be able to evaluate information technology.
3.1. Uses word processing and presentation programs.
3.2. Manage your own social media accounts.
3.3 Manages account chart programs.
3.4 Recognize the basic features of vector and pixel-based graphics processing programs
Teaching and Learning Methods Lecture, computer laboratory work, research and report preparation.
References Basic Information Technologies, Nobel Publishing, Author: İbrahim Halil Sugözü
Course notes
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 Computer History
2 Hardware and Peripherals
3 Computer Operating Systems
4 Computer Networks and the Internet
5 Word Processing Softwares
6 Word Processing Softwares
7 Presentation Software
8 Midterm Exam
9 MS Excel
10 MS Excel
11 Vector Based Graphics Processing Softwares
12 Vector Based Graphics Processing Softwares
13 Pixel Based Graphics Processing Softwares
14 Page Editing Softwares
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 2 50
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 50
Toplam 3 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 1 10
Presentation 0 0
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 40
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Toplam 2 50
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Acquire competence in written French C1
2 Acquisition of speaking proficiency in French at level C1
3 Being able to translate from French to Turkish at all levels of language.
4 Being able to translate from Turkish to French at all levels of language. X
5 Being able to analyze texts of various kinds and levels. X
6 Being able to make cross-cultural studies. X
7 To teach French literature. X
8 Being able to descriptions of languages ​​starting with the contemporary linguistic theories.
9 Being able to teach French as a foreign language.
10 Having acquired the Spanish language and literature.
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 14 2 28
Working Hours out of Class 14 1 14
Assignments 1 10 10
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 8 8
Final Examinations (including preparation) 1 10 10
Total Workload 70
Total Workload / 25 2.80
Credits ECTS 3
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