Information Society and Organizational Communication(RPS 502)
Course Code | Course Name | Semester | Theory | Practice | Lab | Credit | ECTS |
RPS 502 | Information Society and Organizational Communication | 1 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 6 |
Prerequisites | |
Admission Requirements |
Language of Instruction | Turkish |
Course Type | Elective |
Course Level | Masters Degree |
Course Instructor(s) | |
Assistant | |
Objective | The world is globalized, on economic and cultural sense. Political, cultural and economic structures as well as they try to adapt to the globalization, they also resists to that. Since the 1970s, there is a frequently repeated detection telling that the world is turning into a global village. Thanks in part to the rapid development of new communication technologies, today's societies are directly having face to that future perspective seen as a utopia. In the global world, trade, economics, communication and culture are not shaped anymore according to the codes of the past. Social, cultural, economic and communicative possibilities of co-operation are increasing between cultures and nations. The cases such as the global market, global culture, global economy, global environmental awareness, global citizenship arise. This course will be discussed in the context of these new cases. |
Content |
We treat these subtitles on this course: - Industrial and post-industrial societies - interculturality - different cultural approaches - national culture - regional culture - corporate culture, organizational culture, temporal and spatial culture - professional culture - culture depending on individual structures - intercultural communication market segments matching with cultural difference, consumption of cultural/ symbolic difference , the use of media by cultural differences - public policy in intercultural communication and cultural citizenship plurality communicative, standards and assessments of political power on intercultural communication - language (language preference of hard work, competence in the use of harsh language work malcompréhensions and translation problems - the group dynamics - attitudes to foreign workers appointed against the other culture values ??of trust, negotiation, gift - practices which can be used to develop interculturality |
Course Learning Outcomes |
- Understand the economic, political and cultural dimensions of the phenomenon of globalization - Cross reference between changes in communication technologies and globalization - Understand the cooperation and the challenges posed by globalization, on national and international level - Understand the concepts and phenomena such are the global market, global culture, global economy or global environmental awareness in their historical and contemporary contexts - Cultural, economic and political transformations and problems created by globalization in national and supra-national organizations, are identified and interviewed - Understand the concepts of industrial and post-industrial society |
Teaching and Learning Methods | Along 10 week we focus on collective lectures, discussions and evaluations. The next 4 weeks the students prepare case studies about the subjects of the course. |
References |
Alemdar, Korkmaz ve Erdoğan, İrfan (2002). Öteki Kuram . Ankara: Erk yayınları. Benedict, Ruth (1994)ç Kılıç ve Krizantem. Çev. Türkan Turgut. İstanbul: İş Bankası yay. Cassirer, Ernst (1997). İnsan Üstüne Bir Deneme. Çev. Necla Arat, İstanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları. Connolly , William E. (1995). Kimlik ve Farklılık . çev: Ferma Lekesizalın, İstanbul; Ayrıntı Dacheux, Eric (2001).”Etudier le marketing à la lumière de la communication”. L’Année sociologique 2001/2, vol.51, s.411-427. Güvenç, Bozkurt (1994). İnsan ve Kültür. İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi. Elhajji M. ve Aparu D., (2007). “Communication interculturelle et nouvelles formes de négociation de la citoyenneté”. Diogène 2007/4, no 220, Presses Universitaire de France, p.110-117. Hall, Edward T (1984). Le langage silencieux. Editions du Seuil. Paris. P.235 Halpern, Catherine (2010). “Vers des identités mondialisées”. Sciences Humaines, No.222, Janvier 2010, pp.34-37. Haviland, William A., Prins ve diğerleri (2008). Kültürel Antropoloji. İstanbul: Kaktüs Yayınları. Huntington, Samuel (). Medeniyetler Çatışması ve Dünya Düzeninin Yeniden Kurulması. İstanbul: Okuyan Us yayınları. Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem (1979). İnsan ve İnsanlar. Sosyal Psikolojiye Giriş. İstanbul: Cem Ofset Yayıncılık ve Matbaacılık A.ş. Kymlicka, Willy (1998) Çokkültürlü Yurttaşlık. İstanbul: Ayrıntı yay. Nowicki, Johanna (2005) “Communication interculturelle et construction identitaire européenne”, Hermes, Sayı:41, ss.131-138., Mattelart, Armand (1999). La Communication-monde. Paris: La Découverte. Rogers,Everett M., Hart ve diğerleri (2002). “Edward T. Hall and The History of Intercultural Communication: The United States and Japan” in Keito Communication Review no:24, 2002, p.3-26. Rycroft, Charles (1989). Psikanaliz Sözlüğü. Çev. Sağman Kayatekin, Ankara:Ara Yayıncılık. Timisi, Nilüfer (2003). Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri ve Demokrasi, Ankara:Dost Yayınları. Tutal, Nilgün (2006). Küreselleşme İletişim Kültürlerarasılık İstanbul: Kırmızı yay. Zıllıoğlu, Merih (1993) İletişim nedir? İstanbul: Cem yay. |
Theory Topics
Week | Weekly Contents |
Practice Topics
Week | Weekly Contents |
Contribution to Overall Grade
Number | Contribution | |
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade | 1 | 50 |
Contribution of final exam to overall grade | 1 | 50 |
Toplam | 2 | 100 |
In-Term Studies
Number | Contribution | |
Assignments | 5 | 20 |
Presentation | 1 | 40 |
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) | 2 | 100 |
Project | 0 | 0 |
Laboratory | 0 | 0 |
Other Applications | 0 | 0 |
Quiz | 0 | 0 |
Term Paper/ Project | 0 | 0 |
Portfolio Study | 0 | 0 |
Reports | 0 | 0 |
Learning Diary | 0 | 0 |
Thesis/ Project | 0 | 0 |
Seminar | 0 | 0 |
Other | 0 | 0 |
Toplam | 8 | 160 |
No | Program Learning Outcomes | Contribution | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Activities | Number | Period | Total Workload |
Total Workload | 0 | ||
Total Workload / 25 | 0.00 | ||
Credits ECTS | 0 |