Political Science

Urban Movements and Identities in Turkey(SP473)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
SP473 Urban Movements and Identities in Turkey 6 3 0 0 3 6
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Elective
Course Level Bachelor Degree
Course Instructor(s) Hakan YÜCEL hakanyucel1970@gmail.com (Email)
Objective The aim of the course is to familiarize students with identities and urban movements of Turkey through contemporary examples.
Content The course begins by sociological theories about identities and contemporary urban movements with numerous concrete examples. We will emphasize particularly on the transformations of cities in Turkey during the last decades, related to parallel logics of integration and urban conflicts.
We will also try to understand the urban tensions and the territorial segregation as social facts, but also as the media and popular representations.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who have followed and successfully completed the course are able to:

1) Explain the basic concepts of Urban Sociology
2) Understand the impact of Urbanization over social transformation in contemporary Turkey.
3) Analyze the urban problems
4) Establish the relationship between social change and urban transformation.
Teaching and Learning Methods The course will be mostly based on magisterial presentations and discussions about the weekly readings. These two elements require a regular attendance of students and also a reading of texts. The information about the texts to be read will be given every week in class.
The students will be asked to provide their contributions to the course every week by preparing and realizing a presentation of a research about compulsory readings.
References ASLAN Şükrü, 1 Mayıs Mahallesi 1980 Öncesi Toplumsal Mücadeleler ve Kent, İletişim Yay., 2004
BACQUÉ Marie-Hélène, SINTOMER Yves, « Peut-on parler de quartiers populaires ? », in Espaces et Sociétés, n° 108-109, 2002/1-2, p.29-46.
BAYRAKTAR Ulaş, « Formelleşen Hemşehri Dayanışma Ağları : İstanbul hemşehri dernekleri », Toplumbilim, n°17, 2003, pp. 107-119.
BEHAR David, İSLAM Tolga (sous la dir.de), İstanbul’da Soylulaştırma, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay., 2006.
BOZKULAK Serpil, « Gecekondudan Varoşa : Gülsuyu Mahallesi » in İstanbul’da Kentsel Ayrışma, sous la dir. de Hatice Kurtuluş, Bağlam Yay., Ankara, 2005, pp. 239-267.
CASTELLS Manuel, La question urbaine, Maspero, 1973
CASTELLS Manuel, Luttes urbaines, Maspero, 1975.
CHAZEL François, Action Collective et Mouvements Sociaux, PUF, 1995
ERDER Sema « Göç, yerleşme ve ‘çok’ kültürel tanışma », Birikim, n°123, juillet, 1999, pp. 68-75.
ERDER Sema, « Köysüz ‘köylü’ göçü », Görüş, N°34, mars 1998, pp. 24-26.
ERDER Sema, « Yeni kentliler ve kentin yeni yoksulları », Toplum ve Bilim, n° 66, printemps,1995, pp.106-119.
ERDER Sema, Kentsel Gerilim, um:ag Yayınları, 1997
ERMAN Tahire et Aslıhan Eken, « The ‘Other of the Other’ and ‘unregulated territories’ in the urban periphery : gecekondu violence in the 2000s with a focus on the Esenler case, Istanbul », Cities, Vol :21, No :1, 2004, pp. 57-68.
ERMAN Tahire, « Mahalledeki öteki : Gecekondu Ortamında Alevi-Sünni İlişkileri » in Gönül Pultar – ERMAN Tahire (éd.), Türk(iye) Kültürleri, Istanbul: Tetragon, 2005, pp.319-339.
ETÖZ Zeliha, « Varoş : bir istila bir tehdit !», Birikim, n° 132, avril 2000, pp. 49-54
IŞIK Oğuz & M. Melih PINARCIOĞLU, « Sultanbeyli notları » [Notes de Sultanbeyli], Birikim, N°123, Juillet, 1999, pp. 47-52.
IŞIK, Oğuz. ve PINARCIOĞLU, M. Melih. Nöbetleşe Yoksulluk, İletişim Yayınları, 2001
IŞIK Emre & ŞENTÜRK Yıldırım (yay. Haz.), Özneler, Durumlar, Mekanlar, Bağlam Yay., 2008.
KARPAT Kemal H., Türkiye’de Toplumsal Dönüşüm, İmge Kitabevi Yay., 2003
KAYGALAK Sevilay, « Yeni kentsel yoksulluk, göç ve yoksulluğun mekansal yoğunlaşması :Mersin/Demirtaş örneği, Praksis, N°2, printemps 2001, 124-172.
KORAY Meryem, « Gerçeklerin stilize edildiği bir dünyada ötekileşen yoksulluk », Toplum ve Bilim, n° 89, printemps 2001, Istanbul :Birikim Yayınları, pp. 218-241.
KURTOĞLU Ayça, Hemşehrilik ve Şehirde Siyaset, İletişim Yay., 2003
KURTULUŞ Hatice (dir.) İstanbul’da Kentsel Ayrışma, İstanbul: Bağlam Yayıncılık, 2005, pp.77-126.
L'Ecole de Chicago, Aubier, 1990
MENGİ Ayşegül (yay. haz.), Kent ve Politika, İmge Yay., 2007
MOZÈRE Liane, « Territoires entre territorialisation et déterritorialisation » in L.Mozère, M. Peraldi, H.Key, Intelligence des Banlieues, Eds. De l’Aube, 1999. pp.11-29.
PEROUSE Jean-François & A.Didem DANIS, « Zenginliğin Mekanda Yeni Yansımaları : İstanbul’da Güvenlikli Siteler», Toplum ve Bilim, n° 104, 2005, pp.92-123.
PÉROUSE Jean-François, « ‘l’Interroger le quartier’ quelques repères terminologiques et méthodologiques », Anatolia Moderna, X, 2004, pp. 127- 130.
RONCAYOLO, La ville et ses territoires, Gallimard, 1997
SÖNMEZ-ÖZBEK, Ipek, « Kentsel Yoksulluk ve Sosyo-Mekansal Dışlanma » in Rahime Beder Sen, IV. Aile Surası « Aile ve Yoksulluk » Bildirileri, Ankara : T.C. Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu Başkanlığı Yay., pp.561-569.
YILMAZ Bediz, « Göç ve kentsel yoksulluğun Istanbul Tarlabaşı mahallesi örneğinde incelenmesinde ilk adımlar, ilk sorular », Toplumbilim, n°17, octobre 2003, pp.95-105.
YILMAZ Nail, Hemşehri Kimliği, Beta yay., 2008
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 Introductory course
2 Space and identities
3 Gecekondu as territory
4 Urban movements, movements of Gecekondu
5 Territory and identities I
6 Territory and identities II
7 Varoş: Territorial social stigma
8 Gender, generation and territory
9 Urban Segregation
10 Urban poverty
11 Urban tensions, forced exodus
12 Presentation of students I
13 Presentation of students II
14 Presentation of students III
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 0 60
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 0 40
Toplam 0 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 0 0
Presentation 1 50
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 50
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Toplam 2 100
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Understanding the major theories, concepts, foundations, and methodologies used in the study of politics. X
2 Identifying the structure and operation of the political system in Turkey and other political systems in the world. X
3 Identifying and gathering information from credible primary and secondary sources; analyzing and synthesizing the acquired knowledge. X
4 Generating and testing empirically hypotheses about political processes, institutions, mechanisms and relationships. X
5 Designing, conducting and interpreting the results of original research in accordance with the scientific and ethical principles by using basic research methods. X
6 Showing awareness and sensivity towards issues related to democracy, human rights and social peace. X
7 Appraising the sources of societal conflict and how they can be resolved by political means. X
8 Examining critically the nature of change in the global political community, and the complex character of processes such as globalization. X
9 Taking a role in a teamwork in political science and general fields of other related disciplines. X
10 Following publications in foreign languages and communicating with the colleagues in the international environment by using French which is the language of education in Galatasaray University and English, the compulsory foreign language.
11 Using required level of information and communication technologies. X
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 14 3 42
Working Hours out of Class 12 2 24
Assignments 1 20 20
Presentation 1 18 18
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 1 16 16
Final Examinations (including preparation) 1 16 16
Total Workload 136
Total Workload / 25 5.44
Credits ECTS 5
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