Master Program in Business Administration

Research Methodology(G563)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
G563 Research Methodology 1 3 0 0 3 6
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Masters Degree
Course Instructor(s) Aslı Gül ÖNCEL (Email) Deniz UZTÜRK BARAN (Email)
Objective This course aims to teach the fundamental concepts, principles and applications related with scintific research and methods used.
Content 1) Introduction, research project and steps of a research project, basics of sampling.
2) Statistical inference (Estimation of a mean and proportion)
3) Statistical inference (Estimation of a mean and proportion), determination of the sample size.
4) Hypothesis testing, hypothesis, determination of the significance level, type I and II errors, rules of decision.
5) Parametric hypothesis testing (Test of a mean or a proportion of a population).
6) Non-parametric hypothesis testing (Contingency tables, Test Chi-2 of independance, homogeneity and conformity).
7) Non-parametric hypothesis testing. (Test of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Wilcoxon signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U test)
8) Regression analysis, scatter plots. Regression and correlation analysis and hypothesis.
9) Simple linear regression, computing coefficients using least squares method. Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, tests of regression end correlation coefficients.
10) Multiple regression analysis. Part and partial correlation coefficients.
11) Non-parametric correlation. (Spearman’s rank correlation, coefficient of Kendall-Tau).
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, the studient will be able to :
1. Carry out a scientific research project.
2. Define correctly the population, the sampling method and sample size for a research project.
3. Ascertain the appropriate method for data collection and data analysis.
4. Deduce the right and unbiased outcome as a result of a hypothesis testing.
5. Execute a parametric or non- parametric correlation analysis.
Teaching and Learning Methods
References Daniel Wayne W. & Terrell James C., Business Statistics, 5. edition, Houghton Miflin, USA.
Newbold, Paul, Statistics for Business and Economics, Pearsons Education
Newbold, Paul, İşletme ve İktisat için İstatistik, Çeviren Ümit Şenesen, Literatür Yayıncılık
Orhunbilge, Prof. Dr. Neyran, Örnekleme Yöntemleri ve Hipotez Testleri, İ.Ü.İşletme Fak. Yayınları Avcıol Basım Yayın, 2. Baskı, İstanbul 2000.
Orhunbilge, Prof. Dr. Neyran, Uygulamalı Regresyon ve Korelasyon Analizi, 2. B., İ.Ü.İşletme Fak. Yayınları, İ.Ü. Basım ve Yayınevi Md., İstanbul 2002
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Total Workload / 25 0.00
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