Non Thesis Master Program in Marketing Communication Managament

Symbolic communication(CO-E 521)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
CO-E 521 Symbolic communication 1 3 0 0 3 6
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Elective
Course Level Masters Degree
Course Instructor(s) Nebahat AKGÜN ÇOMAK (Email)
Objective The symbol is a communication tool. There are many kinds of symbols. Some symbols are iconic. Symbols, contain the meaning of their own culture.
Content 1.Week: What is symbols.
2.Week: What is symbolism.
3.Week: What is symbolic communication.
4.Week: What are the symbolic to read.
5.Week: Symbol types and communication.
6.Week: Herbal symbols.
7.Week: Natural symbols.
8.Week: Animal symbols.
9.Week: Object symbols.
10.Week: Mystical heroic symbols.
11.Week: Colorless symbols.
12.Week: Numerical Symbols.
13.Week: Stone symbols.
14.Week: Symbols and semiotics.
Course Learning Outcomes 1.Symbolic Communication: What is symbols.
2.Symbolic Communication: What is symbolism.
3.Symbolic Communication: What is symbolic communication.
4.Symbolic Communication: What are the symbols to read.
5.Symbolic Communication: Symbol types and communication.
6.Symbolic Communication: Herbal symbols.
7.Symbolic Communication: Natural symbols.
Teaching and Learning Methods Participant Conference
References BORATAV Pertev (1946) Halk Hikayeleri. Ankara.
CAMPBELL Joseph (2003) Batı Mitolojisi (Çev: Kudret Emiroğlu) İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul.
CAMPBELL Joseph (2003) Doğu Mitolojisi (Çev: Kudret Emiroğlu) İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul.
CAMPBELL Joseph (2003) Yaratıcı Mitoloji ( Çev: Kudret Emiroğlu) İmge Kitabevi. İstanbul.
CAZENAVE Michel (1989) Encyclopedie des Symboles. le Livre de Poche. München.
DEMİR Ali Faik-ÇOMAK Akgün Nebahat (2015) Şaman ve Türk Dünyası. Bağlam Yayınları. İstanbul.
ÖGEL Bahaeddin (1989) Türk Mitolojisi. Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları. Ankara.
Print the course contents
Theory Topics
Week Weekly Contents
1 What is symbols.
2 What is symbolism.
3 What is symbolic communication
4 What are the symbole to read.
5 Symbol types and communication
6 Herbal of symboles.
7 Natural symbols.
8 Animal symbols.
9 Object symbols.
10 Mystical heroic symbols.
11 Colorless symbols.
12 Numerical symbols.
13 Stone symbols.
14 Symbols and semiotics.
Practice Topics
Week Weekly Contents
Contribution to Overall Grade
  Number Contribution
Contribution of in-term studies to overall grade 1 50
Contribution of final exam to overall grade 1 50
Toplam 2 100
In-Term Studies
  Number Contribution
Assignments 1 50
Presentation 1 50
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 0 0
Project 0 0
Laboratory 0 0
Other Applications 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0
Reports 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0
Seminar 0 0
Other 0 0
Make-up 0 0
Toplam 2 100
No Program Learning Outcomes Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 The student can ımprove corporate marketing strategies. X
2 Student can produce brand management strategies. X
3 The student can analyse advertising campaigns. X
4 The student have knowledge about research methodes. X
5 The student have knowledge about corporate identity and corporate image. X
6 The student can follow trends and innovative developpements on communication. X
7 Students can gather strategical and analytical thinking skils.
Activities Number Period Total Workload
Class Hours 14 3 42
Working Hours out of Class 0 0 0
Assignments 1 30 30
Presentation 1 15 15
Midterm Examinations (including preparation) 0 0 0
Project 0 0 0
Laboratory 0 0 0
Other Applications 0 0 0
Final Examinations (including preparation) 1 30 30
Quiz 0 0 0
Term Paper/ Project 0 0 0
Portfolio Study 0 0 0
Reports 0 0 0
Learning Diary 0 0 0
Thesis/ Project 0 0 0
Seminar 0 0 0
Other 1 30 30
Make-up 0 0 0
Total Workload 147
Total Workload / 25 5.88
Credits ECTS 6
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