le Programme de master professionnel en technologies informatiques

(IT 534)

Nom du Cours Semestre du Cours Cours Théoriques Travaux Dirigés (TD) Travaux Pratiques (TP) Crédit du Cours ECTS
IT 534 3 4 0 0 3 8
Cours Pré-Requis
Conditions d'Admission au Cours
Langue du Cours Anglais
Type de Cours Obligatoire
Niveau du Cours Master
Enseignant(s) du Cours İsmail Burak PARLAK bparlak@gsu.edu.tr (Email)
Assistant(e)s du Cours
Objectif du Cours Introduce current aspects of the design and the implementation of computing systems that can process, understand, or communicate in human language. The course covers fundamental approaches, largely machine learning and deep learning, used across the field of NLP as well as a comprehensive set of NLP tasks both historical and contemporary. Problems range from syntax (part-of-speech tagging, parsing) to semantics (lexical semantics, question answering, grounding) and include various applications such as summarization, machine translation, information extraction, and dialogue systems. Assignments throughout the semester involve building scalable machine learning systems for various NLP tasks.
Suggested Background:
Data Structures and Algorithms, Linear Algebra, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning

Contenus Week 1: Introduction to NLP, Regex, Finite State Machines, Edit Distance
Week 2: Finite State Transducers, Text Normalization,
Week 3: Language models, tf-idf, bag of words, n-grams
Week 4: Lexical, syntactic and morphological analysis
Week 5: Semantic analysis
Week 6: Text classification, text summarization
Week 7: Machine translation, Q&A Systems, Chatbots
Week 8: Speech Analysis
Week 9: Neural Nets, Embeddings
Week 10: Deep Learning and Language Models
Week 11: Projects
Acquis d'Apprentissage du Cours
Méthodes d'Enseignement
Ressources 1- Speech and Language Processing, D. Jurafsky& J.H. Martin, https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ 3rd edition draft
2- Foundation of Statistical Natural Language Processing, C.D. Manning & H. Schütze, MIT Press, 2003
3- Natural Language Processing with Python, Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper O’Reilly, 2009: http://www.nltk.org/book/
Supplementary Books:
4- Python 3 Text Processing with NLTK 3 Cookbook, Jacob Perkins, Packt Publishing, 2014
5- Applied Text Analysis with Python, Benjamin Bengfort, Tony Ojeda, Rebecca Bilbro, O’Reilly, 2018
6- Turkish Natural Language Processing, Kemal Oflazer, Murat Saraçlar, Springer, 2018
7- Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing, Yoav Goldberg, Morgan & Claypool, 2017
Imprimer le contenu du cours
Intitulés des Sujets Théoriques
Semaine Intitulés des Sujets
Intitulés des Sujets Pratiques
Semaine Intitulés des Sujets
Contribution à la Note Finale
  Numéro Frais de Scolarité
Contribution du contrôle continu à la note finale 1 50
Contribution de l'examen final à la note finale 1 50
Toplam 2 100
Contrôle Continu
  Numéro Frais de Scolarité
Devoir 2 25
Présentation 0 0
Examen partiel (temps de préparation inclu) 0 0
Projet 1 25
Travail de laboratoire 0 0
Autres travaux pratiques 0 0
Quiz 0 0
Devoir/projet de session 0 0
Portefeuille 0 0
Rapport 0 0
Journal d'apprentissage 0 0
Mémoire/projet de fin d'études 0 0
Séminaire 0 0
Autre 0 0
Toplam 3 50
No Objectifs Pédagogiques du Programme Contribiton
1 2 3 4 5
Activités Nombre Durée Charge totale de Travail
Charge totale de Travail 0
Charge totale de Travail / 25 0,00
Crédits ECTS 0
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