Non-Thesis Master Program ın Polıtıcal Scıences

Political Symbols and Rituals(SP729)

Course Code Course Name Semester Theory Practice Lab Credit ECTS
SP729 Political Symbols and Rituals 1 3 0 0 3 6
Admission Requirements
Language of Instruction Turkish
Course Type Compulsory
Course Level Masters Degree
Course Instructor(s) Birol CAYMAZ (Email)
Objective The main objective of the course is to analyze the state authority and its permanence in space and time, through the rituals and symbols policies by using the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, history and political science. The course focuses mainly on the construction of national identity and the question of invention of tradition through ceremonies and state symbols.
Content Following two introductory courses we will focus on the “state” rituals practiced in the Ottoman Empire. Then, we will study the relationship of the republic with its Ottoman past; the relationship artificially created on a register of antagonism between old/new that crystallizes in particular rituals and political symbols. Finally, we will show the role played by state symbols and rituals in the construction of national identity in Turkey
Course Learning Outcomes 1- Know the anthropological conception of ancient ceremonies and modern national celebrations and symbols used in these occasions.
2- Interpret the sacred dimension of state power through various civilizations
3- Learn the construction of the sate, nation and the emergence of nationalism and the “invention of tradition” (Comparing Western Europe and the Ottoman Empire)
4- Know the interrelationships between consciousness and national identity and political symbols and rituals.
5- Understand the political rites and symbols practiced in the Ottoman State
6- Discuss the national festivals of the late Empire and early Republic
Teaching and Learning Methods The course will be realized mostly in the form of lectures. Depending on the subject and the availability of meeting rooms, the instructor will use audio-visual material such as miniatures and engravings of the Ottoman era or photos, films, movies and audiotapes.
References Eric. J. Hobsbawm- Geleneğin icadı. Agora kitaplığı, 2006.
Benedict Anderson- Hayali Cemaatler. Metis yay., 2007.
Ernest Gellner- Milliyetçiliğe Bakmak. iletişim yay., 1998.
Marc Abeles- Devletin antropolojisi. Kesit yay., 1998.
Sibel Bozdoğan- Modernizm ve ulusun inşası. Erken Cumhuriyet Türkiyesi’nde mimari kültür. Metis yay., 2002.
Hakan T. Karatepe- Padişahım çok yaşa. Osmanlı devletinin son zamanında merasimler. Kitap yay., 2004.
Caner Onay- Tören, kutlama ve saha içi gösteri teknikleri. Nobel, 2004.
Esra Özyürek- Modernlik nostaljisi: Kemalizm, laiklik ve gündelik hayatta siyaset. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi yay., 2008.
Arzu Öztürkmen- Türkiye’de folklor ve milliyetçilik. İletişim yay., 1998.
Seyfi Öngider- İki şehrin hikayesi. Ankara İstanbul çatışması. Aykırı yay., 2003.
Neşe G. Yeşilkaya- Halkevleri: İdeoloji ve mimarlık. İletişim yay., 1999.
Selim Deringil- Simgeden Millete. II. Abdülhamid’den Mustafa Kemal’e devlet ve millet. İletiştim yay., 2007.
Birol Caymaz- Türkiye’de Vatandaşlık. Resmi ideoloji ve yansımaları. Bilgi Üniversitesi yay., 2007.
Sibel Özbudun- Ayinden törene. Anahtar kitaplar, 1997
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